You’ve got this!
Let me help you with…
Common feeding challenges, including: painful breastfeeding & nipple damage, low supply / oversupply, engorgement & plugged ducts, slow weight gain, and more.
Planning to breast/chest/body-feed (for birthing and non-birthing parents).
Alternate feeding methods (bottles, SNS, etc.). One size definitely does not fit all.
Pumping. Your time is precious, so make that pump work for you!
Returning to work as a lactating parent.
Managing the super not fun stuff that can sometimes accompany lactation, a.k.a. your mastitis, thrush, blebs, vasospasms, etc.
Tethered oral tissues (aka "ties"). I give you the information and resources, you decide what’s right for your family.
Initial Visit
Whether in-person or virtual, we will accomplish so much in our first meeting. Here’s what to expect:
A comprehensive review of parent and infant health, birth, and lactation / feeding history.
Based on your objectives for our visit, and provided baby is hungry (but honestly, when aren’t they?!), we will conduct a weighted feed, bottle feeding, pumping session, or all of the above!
Feeding observation will include gentle latch and positioning suggestions to improve your comfort and optimize baby’s latch & transfer.
A quick, yet thorough, evaluation of baby to assess oral function and physiological barriers to comfortable positioning or latching.
An assessment of lactating parent(s) and size estimation for proper pump flange fit.
Conversations about feeding goals, infant development, returning to work, specialist referrals, and more!
Most importantly, we’ll create your customized Care Plan together! You get to sign off on a plan that feels actionable and will allow your family to resolve any immediate concerns while working toward long-term goals.
Support via email, text, or phone call for 1 week following our visit.
I’ll loop in the rest of your health care team (pediatrician, OB/GYN, PT/OT, SLP, etc.), so we are in sync as we work to achieve your family’s feeding goals.
Follow-up Visit(s)
Offered for established clients, in-person or virtually. During follow-up visits we’ll:
Conduct a weight check and reassess baby's oral function.
Observe another feeding and / or pumping session.
Review lingering questions for you and your support team.
Make any necessary modifications to the Care Plan.
Prenatal & Inducing Lactation
If your family is expecting a new pint-sized member, your body (or your partner’s) is gearing up for a BIG task… making milk! I can help prepare you for what to expect in those early days, including how to establish your supply from that first “golden hour.” I’ll instruct you on the mechanics of latching, identifying hunger cues & good feedings, how to use all the feeding doodads you’ve acquired (including your pump), and making sure your support system is in place and knows how to help.
Pumping Consultation
“I love my pump!” said basically no lactating person ever. But however much (or little) you pump during your lactation journey, she better be the Ethel to your Lucy. She should give your supply a pick-me-up when it’s feeling low and fill in for baby when you two are apart. A pumping consultation is a nice supplement (pun intended) to your initial consultation OR it can be a stand-alone appointment, during which we ensure proper flange sizing and review pump settings so you two are perfectly in sync.
Return to Work Consultation
At some point following the arrival of your baby (or babies!) , you’ll probably start thinking about going back to work… some of us begrudgingly and others of us at a full sprint! Returning to work does not have to signal the end of your lactation adventure, merely the beginning of a new phase. Let’s determine your ideal pumping & feeding schedules, review expressed milk storage & transportation, and game plan how to communicate with work and childcare. Plus learn tips and tricks I’ve compiled from experience!
Starting Solids & Weaning
Just when you figure out how to feed your infant, you’ll soon have to introduce complementary foods. What even is a complementary food?! I’ve got you covered. From how to tell if baby is ready for solids, to how much food to give (and when). Whether you want to start with purees or dive in with baby-led weaning, I’ll give you and your budding foodie a solid start. And whenever the time comes to shut down the milk factory, retire your pump, or say goodbye to bottles, I can help ensure a smooth transition for everyone.
Fees & Policies
In-person Initial Visit (1.5 - 2 hours) : $300
In-person Follow-up Visit (1 - 1.5 hours) : $250
In-person Prenatal / Back-to-Work / Pumping Consult (30 min - 1 hour) : $200
Virtual Initial Visit (1 - 1.5 hours) : $250
Virtual Follow-up Visit (1 hour) : $200
Virtual Prenatal / Back-to-Work / Pumping Consult (30 min - 1 hour): $150
All appointment types include 1 week of support via phone, text, or email following your appointment. If a follow-up visit isn’t needed, but you have some questions beyond 1 week, I offer unlimited virtual support for $25 per week.
Travel fees apply for in-home visits. Insurance does not reimburse for travel fee or parking fees.
Prices provided are in US dollars.
I am in-network with Aetna! While coverage may differ from plan-to-plan, Aetna typically covers up to 6 lactation visits. You are encouraged to contact Aetna directly to understand your specific plan’s coverage, including co-pays, cost shares, deductibles, etc. After our visits, I will submit insurance claims to Aetna on your behalf.
I contract with Wildflower Health for complete coverage of lactation care for Cigna customers. Wildflower covers at least 6 appointments and additional appointments as needed. I will submit claims to Wildflower after each visit.
If you are covered under another insurance provider (for example, BCBS, HORIZON, or UNITED), your visits may be covered through The Lactation Network (or “TLN”). If you would like to verify your benefits with TLN, please click here. If accepted, there will be no out-of-pocket charges or fees associated with your visits.
For out-of-network clients, I accept payment via credit & debit card, HSA & FSA card, check, and cash. I will provide you with a receipt and superbill to claim reimbursement for lactation services. I recommend contacting your insurance provider ahead of scheduling to understand your out-of-network benefits.
I believe that quality lactation services should be available to everyone, regardless of financial circumstances. A sliding scale is available for clients receiving WIC benefits, on Medicaid, or who are unemployed / underinsured. Please contact me so we can discuss my sliding scale rates for your appointment.
Travel Policy
In-home visits are available to clients who live in Bergen County, NJ and surrounding areas (New Jersey - Passaic County, Hudson County, Essex County and New York - Rockland County). A travel fee applies to in-home visits, based on time traveled.
Virtual visits are available to anyone in the U.S., whether you live in Alaska or just next door.
Cancellation Policy
I have a $25 fee for appointments missed or cancelled fewer than 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment time. I know that life happens, so the cancellation fee will be waived if you reschedule and uphold your next appointment. If I am unable to see you due to illness or family emergency, I will contact you and do my best to reschedule you ASAP.